Thursday, March 26, 2009

Very Sad News

In the end of September I’ve learned that my German Shepherd “Cora” was a very sick girl and had cancer. I was devastated by this news and decided that my focus must be to help her anyway I can. Her health strongly declined from when I received the bad news and I ended up giving her the shirt off my back to pay for medication and veterinary visits. Unfortunately nothing helped and I had to watch my girl deteriorate right in front of my eyes. No matter what I cooked, her weight would decline until she eventually withered down to only 40 Lbs. She had to be treated with painkillers and many other meds daily and I crossed my fingers for something to take effect and make her well again but she finally lost her battle on January 26th. From that Day on I was a broken man and suffered intense feelings of grief and sadness. This dog was my child and with me 24/7 from when she was a puppy and we bonded like soul mates. We did everything together. I guess only someone who experiences this kind of closeness to their pet can understand why it was not possible for me to write this until now. It took me this long just to re-compose myself and accept the reality that she is no longer with me. I’m still sad to the core when I wake up every morning without her wet nose planted on my cheek. I’ll never forget the unconditional love I received from her for the rest of my life. I hope this explains my long absence from my Blog. I still did not finish developing my new website and all I photographed were Cora’s final pictures. I have decided to re-submerse myself in photography so my days are filled with less grief. Even though I had no postings for all this time, I did however visit your Blogs to see what you all were up to and really liked what I saw but noticed that some of you have written me off for good. I hope I can continue where I left off and be re-integrated into your Blog rolls. I’ll plan to do some spring shooting and start posting in early April.


Anonymous said...

who would write you off?!

I am very sad to here about your dear Cora. She was a beauty and will live on in your heart.

I can imagine how you feel and hate hearing that you had to watch her suffer.

Take care Wolf...we're all still around for you.


Anonymous said...

Like you, we had a very special member of our family. She was a German Shepherd named "Annie." It was difficult to lose her.

Please accept my condolences for your loss.

As you are able, I will look forward to your blog posts and images.

Anonymous said...

I just wrote a whole wonderful response and i submitted it and "open id" didn't work n had an error. came back and my whole long comment was gone...

i'm so sorry for this horrible loss. I know how much she meant to you and I know I would be lost without my best friend's sad that life can be so cruel sometimes to have to watch her suffer like that. she'll always be in your memories and your heart.

PS: You know i'd never write you off. I thought you were making a new site so I was waiting for the new link. If its going to be the same blog link let me know and i'll add it right back on!